here i am, here i am, here i am. so glad you are, so glad you are, so glad you are.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This is a page of a lovely history book that I'm cutting apart for an installation. Read the wonderful wisdom that they are feeding to the Young Americans...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother Jones+The Last Taboo

"One of every two underfed people on Earth lives here. Forty percent of Indian children under the age of five are underweight and stunted. More than 4 percent of the 26 million babies born here every year die within their first month of life, a neonatal mortality rate surpassing even India's war-torn neighbor, Sri Lanka."


Here's an example:


So I am writing a paper about this art piece/website. It's designed and created by Jonathan Harris for a not-for-profit educational organization called the Sputnik Observatory. The organization focuses on connecting ideas from art, science, and technology together and encouraging life long learning. The interface is really great and full of compelling information and ideas. Dive in and get lost! Their slogan:

Ideas are energy.
Your brain is a satellite.
Out there is your mind.